Farewell to Summer by Keeping it Wild Trainee Naomi
As summer begins to fade, and autumn draws nearer, I reflect.
Throughout the traineeship, I have witnessed such beauty that has left me in awe, which, in turn, has increased my reverence for the One who created it all. The intricate details on the bark of…
July is usually a good month here as passerine migration gets underway, and the wide range of trees and bushes on site provide ideal habitat for birds to stop off to feed up. Warblers are…
The threat from climate change gives a sense of urgency to Butterfly Conservation’s strategy of conserving species at a landscape scale, making existing habitats bigger, better managed and more…
This deadly disease is having a devastating effect on our already struggling wild bird populations.
You blink, and sixteen weeks fly by. I swear it was just last week I was introducing myself as “one of the new trainees”. Only when I look back to who I was back in January do I realise how far I’…
June is probably the most predictable birding month of the year here. Our breeding birds are generally easy to see, we get sporadic visits from other birds which breed within a few miles of here,…
The first half of May generally sees a few migrant birds passing through, before things settle down as the breeding season takes over. By the end of May we usually only see birds which breed here…
Did you know that we have 36 nature reserves across London - and they are all free to visit!
Keeping it Wild Trainee Lira shares her experiences of breaking into the conservaiton sector through volunteering, traineeships and networking with wildlife communities.