Blog: Amanda Tuke

© Eleanor Church


Image of a window with the view of trees through it

Nature, Framed - an anthology of nature writing

This is a collection of ultra-short Thumbnail Nature pieces from a workshop I co-led on 26 February 2022 with Helen Jones, inspirational disabled nature writer.

The workshop was very much…

Festival stock footage

Amanda Tuke's Suburban Wild Diary - on nature festivals

I arrive at the Dulwich Village orchard with my guitar, and find London Wildlife Trust’s Apple Day activities well underway. Kids are making bird feeders by sticking seeds into apples, and there’s…

Hogweed flowers closeup

Feeling It! An anthology of nature writing.

Below are the ultra-short Thumbnail Nature pieces from a workshop I led on 28 August 2021 with Billie Ballard, talented mental health and queer community writer.

Tree canopy

The Nature of Light: an anthology

Below are the ultra-short Thumbnail Nature pieces from a workshop on 19th June 2021 which I co-led with the wonderful Chantelle Lindsay, Great North Wood project officer. The quality of output…
