Credit Katrina Duffey
Contact us
We are happy to respond to any queries you may have about wildlife and nature in London.
Consider visiting our FAQ page before contacting the Trust as your query may have already been answered.
Please note that we receive a large number of enquiries concerning specific local planning issues, and we regret we cannot always respond.
Head office
Address: Fivefields, 8-10 Grosvenor Gardens, Victoria, London, SW1W 0DH
Phone: 020 7261 0447 - at present, calls to this number go to voicemail; we aim to listen to voicemails within one working day.
Frequently Asked Questions
Consider visiting our FAQ page before contacting the Trust as your query may have already been answered.
Nature Reserves
Please use the contact form below to contact our visitor hub reserves (Camley Street Natural Park, Walthamstow Wetlands, Woodberry Wetlands), or to find out about our other reserves and their contact details please visit the nature reserves page.
Private Hires, Events, Photography and Filming
To find out about hiring one of our nature reserves for your event, please visit our private hire page.
To request to use one of our nature reserves for commercial filming or photography, please visit our Filming and Photography page.
School Visits
To find out about school visits to our fantastic nature reserves, please visit our schools page where you can find contact information for the learning teams at each reserve.
Wildlife Advice
We are sadly unable to help individual injured animals, however you can find organisations within London who will be able to help by visiting our FAQ page.
Contact a team
If your query hasn't been answered in the FAQs and you still need assistance, please fill in your details and use the drop down menu in the contact form below to choose the team you would like to get in touch with:
Other organisations
London Wildlife Trust is the only charity dedicated solely to restoring the capital's wildlife and wild spaces. There are, however, hundreds of organisations working in the sector which may be better placed to deal with your enquiry. We have listed some of these external organisations here.
Frogs, toads and lizards
- The British Beekeepers Association
- British Dragonfly Society
- Buglife
- Bumblebee Conservation Trust
- Butterfly Conservation
- Get London Buzzing
- A Kid's guide to honey bees and honey
- The London Beekeepers Association
- North London Beekeepers
- Stag Beetles for Everyone
- UK Moths
Invasive species
- Badger Trust
- Bat Conservation Trust
- British Hedgehog Preservation Society
- The Fox Project
- The London Bat Group
- The Mammal Society
- Seal Conservation Society
- Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society
- ZSL - Thames Marine Mammal Survey
Plants and trees
Grasslands and heaths
Rivers and wetlands
- Colne Valley Regional Park
- Lee Valley Regional Park Authority
- Quaggy Waterways Action Group
- The River Restoration Centre
- South East Rivers Trust
- Thames21
- Thames Estuary Partnership