Blog: Wildlife Gardening

© Eleanor Church


A close up of pink tight cupped buddleia flowers

Buddleia; butterfly buffet or bush of burden?

The loping bulbous lilac-coloured plumes (‘racemes’ or panicles) of buddleia (or buddleja [1] ) that emerge in July are now a characteristic feature of London’s summertime flora.

A female blackbird staling through the long grass of a lawn, with a worm in her beak

Lions of the lawn

Discover some of the predators stalking through your garden’s grassland.

Frog and flower

Wild About Ponds

Our Keeping it Wild Project Trainee Dexter provides some tips on how to get started with your very own wildlife pond, no matter how little space you may have.

Wren at dawn

Hedges alive with wildlife

Great North Wood project officer Edwin Malins discusses how choices gardeners make can influence a wooded urban landscape. London Wildlife Trust launched the Great North Wood project in 2017,…


From green to gold, then gone

London is a city of leaves, with almost 8.5 million trees. With roughly one tree for every Londoner, our capital is one of the greenest in Europe.


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