Blog: Birdwatching

© Eleanor Church


a brown speckled bird with a long beak, stands in shallow water with patches of reeds

3 long-billed wading birds to spot this winter

In winter, London welcomes visitors with some of the most exquisite plumage in the avian world. However, their gorgeous feathery ensembles make seeing these superbly camouflaged birds tricky – but…

a firecrest on a branch

David Bradshaw's Reservoir Logs - October 24 round-up

What seems to have been the first Hen Harrier for at least 25 years and first Hawfinches for seven were the highlights of an exceptional October. The month also saw a Yellow-browed Warbler caught…

a lesser whitethroat bird sat on a berry laden branch

David Bradshaw's Reservoir Logs - August 2024

All-too-brief visits by ruddy shelduck - perhaps the first record for 20 years - and cattle egrets were the highlights of an otherwise disappointing month. While a good range of waders moved…


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