Learning about nature in lockdown London
From March-April students from ELATT took part in an online Wild Action Programme with our Keeping it Wild project. They learnt about London's wildlife and our work here at the Trust. They…
From March-April students from ELATT took part in an online Wild Action Programme with our Keeping it Wild project. They learnt about London's wildlife and our work here at the Trust. They…
Author Amanda Tuke continues her challenge of visiting 30 green spaces in London for 30 Days Wild
Author Amanda Tuke takes on the challenge of visiting 30 green spaces in London for 30 Days Wild
Brilliant Butterflies Community Engagement Officer Sunitha Amos shares her story of looking after an angle shades moth pupa.
Our Director of Conservation Mathew Frith ponders what the lockdown means for London's wildlife.
During my time as a Trainee at Walthamstow Wetlands I had the opportunity to learn how and why we use camera traps at the nature reserve. It was a totally new experience for me, I’d never done…
Nature Reserves Assistant Anna Guerin gives an update on the Brilliant Butterflies project.
The charm of the chiffchaff lies in its subtlety. It is what it is. Undemonstrative, unpretentious and unassuming, an all encompassing understatement.