Swift Awareness Week
Swift expert Sarah Gibson explores the early life of these brilliant birds
The start of May here sees the tail-end of spring migration, but breeding gradually takes over and by the end of the month almost all activities here are breeding-related.
April is often the best birding month of the year here. Although we usually say goodbye to the last of our winter visitors, most of the birds which breed locally return. We also get stop-offs and…
Chris Farthing gives his latest update on recent bird highlights at Woodberry Wetlands
Tom Hibbert, birdwatcher and content officer for The Wildlife Trusts, takes a closer look at one of the UK’s most familiar birds.
London Wildlife Trust's Director of Conservation, Mathew Frith, on one of London's winter visitors.
The charm of the chiffchaff lies in its subtlety. It is what it is. Undemonstrative, unpretentious and unassuming, an all encompassing understatement.
February 2020 continued the theme of most of this winter, being mild and wet. This generally limits bird movement and leads to few surprises. We had to wait for the very early stages of the ‘…