Centre-led school visits

School group at pond in Camley Street Natural Park

© Katrina Duffey

Centre-led school sessions

We provide hands-on nature lessons directly linked to the National Curriculum. Outdoor school sessions cover a variety of topics for Early Years Foundation Stage through Key Stages 1 and 2 (up to 11 years). These sessions are also suitable for home-school groups and community groups, we can tailor a session to suit a range of ages and abilities in one group.


Activities include pond dipping – using nets and trays to explore our aquatic habitats, minibeast hunting – looking in our woodland habitats to discover the small invertebrates that live within, and plant detectives.


View our curriculum topics here

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All our activities and sites have been extensively risk assessed. All staff are fully trained with enhanced DBS checks. We have implemented extra measures to ensure our outdoor learning sessions are safe for staff and participants. These are reviewed on an ongoing basis.

View our Outdoor Learning Activities Risk Assessment here

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