Photo credit: Penny Dixie

Daniel Greenwood

The Grove
Photo credit: Penny Dixie
The Grove
A remnant of an old Victorian garden in Hillingdon, the site is now developing into a site of increasing value for wildlife, aided by the presence of wetland areas.
Know before you go
When to visit
Opening times
Open at all timesBest time to visit
Any timeAbout the reserve
The Grove is a small but important oak woodland site in Uxbridge with a series of ponds attractive to a range of amphibians. The woodland consists of trees such as ash, yew and sycamore, in addition to some veteran oaks, while several clearings and an area of grassland which attracts butterflies and other invertebrates.
Status of The Grove
Site of Borough Importance for Nature Conservation
Get involved at The Grove
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Contact us
Robert Spencer
Contact email: rspencer@wildlondon.org.uk