Little owl
Photo credit: Luke Massey/2020VISION
Record your wildlife sightings
We want to know which species you've seen in London.
London Wildlife Trust staff monitor wildlife at our nature reserves and other sites to assess trends and make sure we are on track with our restoration goals. But we can't be everywhere - your sightings help us understand London's wildlife and what we need to do to help it.
Whether it's a rare species or more familiar animals and plants, everything you tell us helps! It's easy - just click the button below or scroll down to see some of the species-specific surveys we are running.
Submit your wildlife sightings to Greenspace Information for Greater London (GiGL).
This is the capital's official environmental records centre; collating, managing and providing detailed information on London's wildlife, nature reserves, woodlands, parks, gardens and other green spaces.
Ongoing citizen science surveys
Tailored record forms have been created by GiGL for specific species that the Trust is keen on monitoring. Details about each of these are below.