Social Action - Wild Youth Hub

Person pushing a wheelbarrow

© Charlie Nwanodi

Taking action for nature

Youth social action offers a great way to tackle eco-anxiety1 whilst doing something positive for your local environment and community. 

There are many ways to get involved that can suit your interests and resources. On this page, we've collected a range of stories from other young people, helpful advice and ideas to get you started. 


 Click on the links below to view the content

Animation created by Andrew Dixon, a member of the Keeping it Wild Young People's Forum

Wild Action Day at Woodberry Wetlands

Wild Action Day at Woodberry Wetlands credit Penny Dixie

Hear from our project team

We asked members of the Keeping it Wild Project team what ideas and advice they could share on starting up with social action for London's wildlife.

A chat about social action with Emily Morshuis, Keeping it Wild project manager

A chat about social action with Allia Fredericks, Youth Action Delivery Officer at London Youth

SAP Guide Pages Preview

Youth Social Action for Nature Guide

Check out our handy illustrated guide filled with inspiration and project ideas. 

Download the guide

Blogs and experiences from young people

Check out more hub content...


1: Eco-anxiety was defined by the American Psychological Association in 2017 as "a chronic fear of environmental doom".

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