Virtual gifts - Landing page

Two adults at Walthamstow Wetlands

© Eleanor Church

Virtual gifts

Looking for a gift with more impact? Our virtual gifts not only show your friend or family you are thinking about them but also help to recover the wildlife in London.  

From ancient woodland to lush wetlands, from birds to bees, from vital conservation work to educating the city's children about the importance of wildlife - your gift will help nature thrive in our city. 

How it works

Select an amount you’d like to donate and we’ll send you a downloadable gift certificate you can then give to your loved one!

Hibernating dormouse


Could help protect ancient woodland, vital for the survival of species such as the Dormouse.
A reed warbler in a nest amongst long reeds


Could help us restore and manage reedbeds - home to special birds like the reed warbler.
A common blue butterfly sat atop a closed bud plant


Could help us monitor key species like the common blue butterfly, which show us the ongoing health of the chalk grassland habitat.