© Black Girls Hike
Nature Nurtures
Nature Nurtures ran from 2022-2024, this project has now come to an end. Explore what was on offer during this successful cross-sector project led by London Wildlife Trust, with partners Spread the Word, Black Girls Hike CIC and London Youth. Find out what we have on offer for young people at London Wildlife Trust (and elsewhere around London) by signing up to our youth newsletter - build your confidence in the outdoors, make a positive impact to London's nature and get creative!
About Nature Nurtures
The project hosted exciting opportunities for young people that linked natural heritage with creative arts to get more young people to volunteer and take action for nature.
London Wildlife Trust and partners worked to inspire young people from underrepresented communities in the nature conservation sector, to get involved in the protection and promotion of London’s natural heritage with the overall aim of making nature more inclusive, accessible, and relevant to them.
Specifically, this project focused on young people from Black, Asian, and Minoritised Ethnic heritage, young people with special educational needs and disabilities, and those who live in socio-economically disadvantaged areas of London.
Nature Nurtures was supported by funds awarded by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sports, via the Volunteering Futures Fund distributed by Arts Council England.
The project managed to create a strong community of engaged young people with amazing creative skills, all with a love for nature - read on to discover creative work inspired by the volunteers' time with Nature Nurtures.
Nature Nurtures Anthology
The anthology book provides a glimpse into the natural world from the perspective of young people, magnifying their voices. This group of gifted individuals came together to create a collective document that uses their creative abilities to showcase their explorations and insights.
The outcome of two years of Nature Nurtures workshops with Spread the Word, London Youth and Black Girls Hike, this beautiful collection features poetry, prose, photography, and even music, from 24 talented young creatives and nature lovers from London.
The music you will hear playing as you read the anthology is by Muayuma Yese who attended the Nature Nurtures workshop and submitted this piece of music titled 'Look to the Sky' to the anthology.
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