London Wildlife Trust are looking for beautiful, inspiring, funny, surprising photos of the Great North Wood. The best thirteen images will be chosen for the Great North Wood 2021 Calendar. The winners will receive a free calendar and the overall winner will get a meal for two at The Great North Wood pub.

Dulwich Wood © Simon Lunn, January winner, 2019 calendar
Guidelines for submission:
- Photos must be from the Great North Wood area (Deptford to Selhurst, Streatham Common to Crystal Palace)
- They can be of wildlife, landscapes or people enjoying nature
- You can submit as many photos as you like
- We actively encourage submissions from Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities
- Phone photos will be accepted
- Photos will be judged by the Great North Wood team
- Submissions will be accepted until October 31st 2020
To submit your entry, post on twitter with the hashtag #GNWphotocomp and tag @greatnorthwood or alternatively, email your photos to

Oak weevil © John Walsh, May winner, 2019 calendar

Twig parachute © Chris Canelle, October winner, 2019 calendar
About the Great North Wood
London Wildlife Trust received support from Heritage Lottery Fund as part of the Living Landscapes initiative to launch the Great North Wood project in June 2017. The Trust has been working with volunteers, community groups, landowners, and local councils, in a collaborative project reviving and reimagining the Great North Wood as a home for nature and people – in a modern urban landscape.
Further support for the project comes from the Mayor of London, Veolia Environmental Trust, the Dulwich Estate, and Dulwich Society.