What will this spring bring for London’s nature?
Our Director of Conservation Mathew Frith ponders what the lockdown means for London's wildlife.
Campaign to help London's wildlife
Help us find London's hedgehogs
Help save London’s water voles
Help prevent fires on London’s greenspaces
Several weeks of hot and dry weather have created a severe fire risk across the city’s natural open spaces
London Wildlife Trust is calling on Londoners to help prevent fires by taking…
London plane
The London plane tree is, as its name suggests, a familiar sight along the roadsides and in the parks of London. An introduced and widely planted species, it is tough enough to put up with city…
Volunteer with us and help wildlife across London
Three nature reserves to visit in London
Did you know that we have 36 nature reserves across London - and they are all free to visit!
Garden bumblebee
Unsurprisingly, the garden bumblebee can be found in the garden, buzzing around flowers like foxgloves, cowslips and red clover. It is quite a large, scruffy-looking bee, with a white tail. It…
Learning about nature in lockdown London
From March-April students from ELATT took part in an online Wild Action Programme with our Keeping it Wild project. They learnt about London's wildlife and our work here at the Trust. They…
Garden warbler
A plain-looking warbler, the garden warbler is a summer visitor to the UK. It is a shy bird and is most likely to be heard, rather than seen, in woodland and scrub habitats.