peregrine falcon credit Bertie Gregory - Bertie Gregory/2020VISION
Reduce food waste
10 tips to reduce food waste today!
Living with spiders
Every autumn, headlines warn about spiders invading our homes. But what’s the real story with our eight-legged neighbours?
Garden for a living London
My flood defence
Bev is grateful to live down the road from Potteric Carr Nature Reserve, a 210ha wetland site which stores excess water from the River Torne during times of high
rainfall. This saved her…
King diving beetle
Britain's largest 'diving beetle' is an impressive creature, though it's not easy to find.
Future environmental protections at risk
The draft Environment Bill, just published by the Government, does not go far enough to tackle the serious environmental challenges we face or provide legal certainty for the future of our natural…
New opportunities for young Londoners to work with wildlife
A new partnership to help young people get involved with nature conservation
Help prevent fires on London’s greenspaces
Several weeks of hot and dry weather have created a severe fire risk across the city’s natural open spaces
London Wildlife Trust is calling on Londoners to help prevent fires by taking…
Walthamstow Wetlands Summer News 2020
Walthamstow Wetlands has welcomed summer with a flurry of wildlife activity and visitors. During these testing times where covid-19 has affected every corner of the globe, Walthamstow Wetlands has…
A Londoner’s guide to International Bat Weekend by Keeping it Wild Trainee Charlie
The end of August is fast approaching, which spells the end of sun, heatwaves and practical conservation days spent clinging to the migrating shadow of the only tree in the meadow whilst trying to…