Hutchinson's Bank planning proposal - LWT position statement
London Wildlife Trust position statement on the proposal for a new 11-flat block near to Hutchinson's Bank nature reserve.
peregrine falcon credit Bertie Gregory - Bertie Gregory/2020VISION
London Wildlife Trust position statement on the proposal for a new 11-flat block near to Hutchinson's Bank nature reserve.
The Tawny mining bee is a furry, gingery bee that can often be seen in parks and gardens during the springtime. Look for a volcano-like mound of earth in the lawn that marks the entrance to its…
This black and grey solitary bee takes to the wing in spring, when it can be seen buzzing around burrows in open ground.
London Wildlife Trust is proud to present the recommendations within the Seeding Change Report, addressing the specific barriers to inclusion in volunteering within the nature conservation sector…
Brentford and Isleworth MP Ruth Cadbury will be joining Hounslow Council Leader Steve Curran, Mayor Samia Chaudhary and other local councillors at the annual celebration of all the River Thames…
• Members of the public are being encouraged to ‘unite for nature’ by joining a legal and family-friendly demonstration on the streets of central London on Saturday 22 June 2024
• Backed by…
The male purple emperor is a stunning butterfly with a brilliant purple sheen. Look for it feeding around the treetops in woodlands, or on damp ground, animal droppings or even carrion in the…
The grizzled skipper has a striking brown-and-white checked wing pattern. It is a fast flier, so is best observed in the morning as it basks in the sun to warm up. It favours chalk grassland and…
A much-loved garden bird, the blackbird is famous for its harmonious song. In winter, our resident birds are joined by migrants from Scandinavia and the Baltics.