peregrine falcon credit Bertie Gregory - Bertie Gregory/2020VISION
About Walthamstow Wetlands
Wild About Ponds
Our Keeping it Wild Project Trainee Dexter provides some tips on how to get started with your very own wildlife pond, no matter how little space you may have.
The truth about London's reptiles
Keeping it Wild Trainee Lee tackles the negative stigma and reveals more about London's reptiles.
Learning about nature in lockdown London
From March-April students from ELATT took part in an online Wild Action Programme with our Keeping it Wild project. They learnt about London's wildlife and our work here at the Trust. They…
Why should we care about moths?
For National Moth Week, Keeping it Wild Trainee Ishmael talks about their importance as some of the most diverse and successful organisms on earth.
Learning about Lichen by Keeping it Wild Trainee Robert
Have you ever seen a rock or bit of wood that looks like it has gone a bit mouldy? Chances are it is covered in lichen! Today, let’s learn about what lichen is and where you can find it.
All about soil by Keeping it Wild Trainee Zoe
Hello friendly reader, and welcome Zoe’s guided soil tour. Let’s take a dig in. Get it dig, as in soil.....
Little cuttlefish
This little cuttlefish really lives up to its name - it only reaches about 6cm long!
The colourful and delightful chaffinch is a regular garden visitor across the UK. Look out for it hopping about on the ground under birdtables and hedges.
Daddy longlegs
Flitting about the house in summer, the gangly, brown daddy longlegs is familiar to many of us. They are a valuable food source for many birds.
The melodious song of the nightingale is the most likely sign of this bird being about. Shy and secretive, it sings from dense scrub and woodland, day and night.